
Avaloniromman's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 97 (From 8 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 950 Points

Coco & Zin's Ruin Escape

Medals Earned: 2/15 (10/360 points)

Paralyzed Coco 5 Points

Coco being paralyzed by bugs

Paralyzed Zin 5 Points

Zin being paralyzed by bugs

Sticky Coco 5 Points

Coco being trapped by goo

Sticky Zin 5 Points

Zin being trapped by goo

Slaved Coco 10 Points

Coco being slaved by ???

Slaved Zin 10 Points

Zin being slaved by ???

Coco's Escape 25 Points

Complete easy

Zin's Escape 25 Points

Complete normal

Coco's heart 50 Points

Complete easy without losing any heart

Zin's heart 50 Points

Complete normal without losing any heart

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Mina Miner: Dig Deep!

Medals Earned: 11/15 (270/420 points)

Drill: 10x Combo! 5 Points

Got a combo of at least 10!

Drill: 25x Combo! 10 Points

Got a combo of at least 25!

Level 01 10 Points

Beat level 1 of Adventure Mode!

Level 02 10 Points

Beat level 2 of Adventure Mode!

Level 03 10 Points

Beat level 3 of Adventure Mode!

Level 04 25 Points

Beat level 4 of Adventure Mode!

Level 05 25 Points

Beat level 5 of Adventure Mode!

Level 06 25 Points

Beat level 6 of Adventure Mode!

Level 07 50 Points

Beat level 7 of Adventure Mode!

Level 08 50 Points

Beat level 8 of Adventure Mode!

Level 09 50 Points

Beat level 9 of Adventure Mode!

Versus Victory! 25 Points

Got a win in the multiplayer vs mode!

Drill: 50x Combo! 50 Points

Got a combo of at least 50!

Level 10 50 Points

Completed Adventure Mode!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

NG BBS Awards 2019

Medals Earned: 3/5 (20/50 points)

Fact Checking 5 Points

Looked into the Credits and Stats

Who's a Winner 5 Points

Clicked on a single category

Everyone's a Winner 10 Points

Checked the winner for each category

What a Read 5 Points

Viewed one of the best threads

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Road of the Dead

Medals Earned: 10/24 (275/1,000 points)

Blunt Force Trauma 5 Points

Do a 4 hits combo with zombies only

Gunslinger 10 Points

Shoot an enemy off your hood with the pistol

Hydroficial Intelligence 10 Points

Use a water jug to put off your burning engine

Don't Need Wheels 25 Points

Drive 3 KM with all 4 tires blown

No Mercy 25 Points

Hit 25 civilians

Road Dominator 25 Points

Hit 50 highway soldiers

Road Warrior 25 Points

Defeat a helicopter

Close Encounters 50 Points

Get all 5 enemy types off your hood

Tank 50 Points

Buy all the upgrades

Zombie Sniper 50 Points

Do 30 zombie splatter hits

Hood Shaker 5 Points

Knock an enemy off your hood by hitting the side walls

Flip Flop 10 Points

Hit 16 enemies, alternating between zombie and soldier or vice versa

Meticulous 10 Points

Kill 10 zombies at low speed

Quick Draw 25 Points

Shoot a soldier while he's pointing his gun at you and before he shoots

Wise Man 25 Points

Avoid 10 mutated zombies

Nuke Watcher 50 Points

Exit the city with at least 15 seconds to spare

Pinball 50 Points

Do a 3 hits vehicle collision combo

Speed Racer 50 Points

Drive 0.5 KM at maximum speed

Time To Spare 50 Points

Reach up to 45 seconds bonus time in Dead On Time

Top Gun 50 Points

Dodge 10 carpet bombings

Dead On Time 100 Points

Drive 10 KM in Dead On Time

Hell's Angel 100 Points

Beat Highway To Hell

One Man Army 100 Points

Drive 10 KM in Police State

Survivor 100 Points

Beat The Great Escape

Sonic Adventure X Ep.3

Medals Earned: 2/10 (10/445 points)

Among the Fire 5 Points

Back to Continue the Adventure

Keep Your Guard Up 5 Points

Die as any Character

Recap 10 Points

All caught up now

Not So Fast 25 Points

Stop the enemy biker before he escapes

Practice Makes.. 25 Points

Spend some time in Training

Unstoppable 25 Points

Showcase why you're the Ultimate Lifeform

Infiltration 50 Points

Finish Chapter 1

Awakening 100 Points

Finish Chapter 2

Dead Or Alive 100 Points

Finish Chapter 3

Destiny Awaits 100 Points

Clear Episode 3

Sonic in Hide n Seek Heros

Medals Earned: 2/3 (30/80 points)

Zero My Hero 5 Points

End a game with 0 points.

Great Score 25 Points

End with a score of 20 or more.

Super Score 50 Points

End with a score of 40 or more.

Space Conquerors

Medals Earned: 5/100 (25/465 points)

Space Conquerors 01 5 Points

To start the path of the conqueror of space

Space Conquerors 03 5 Points

To build the Base unit

Space Conquerors 04 5 Points

To build a Hangar for a spacecraft

Space Conquerors 05 5 Points

To build a Cargo bay

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Space Conquerors 06 5 Points

To build a Solar battery

Space Conquerors 07 5 Points

To build a Plant turrets

Space Conquerors 08 5 Points

To build a Battle centre

Space Conquerors 10 5 Points

To build a Laboratory

Space Conquerors 11 5 Points

To build a Support center

Space Conquerors 12 5 Points

To build a Trading port

Space Conquerors 13 5 Points

To build a Warehouse of equipment

Space Conquerors 14 5 Points

To build a Living module

Space Conquerors 15 5 Points

To build a Radar

Space Conquerors 16 5 Points

To build a Repair shop

Space Conquerors 17 5 Points

To build an Entertainment center

Space Conquerors 18 5 Points

To build a Clan center

Space Conquerors 19 5 Points

To build a Power Plant

Space Conquerors 20 5 Points

To build a relay station

Space Conquerors 21 5 Points

To build a Museum of artifacts

Space Conquerors 22 5 Points

To build the Accumulator

Space Conquerors 23 5 Points

To build a Traction engine

Space Conquerors 24 5 Points

To build the RT-generator

Space Conquerors 25 5 Points

To build a Telescope

Space Conquerors 26 5 Points

To build a Space museum

Space Conquerors 27 5 Points

To build the Orbital cannon

Space Conquerors 28 5 Points

To build a Guild base

Space Conquerors 29 5 Points

Earn the rank of Jung

Space Conquerors 30 5 Points

Earn the rank of Master

Space Conquerors 31 5 Points

Earn the rank of Senior pilot

Space Conquerors 32 5 Points

Earn the rank of Senior navigator

Space Conquerors 33 5 Points

Earn the rank of Chief

Space Conquerors 34 5 Points

Earn the rank of Senior midshipman

Space Conquerors 35 5 Points

Earn the rank of Flagship

Space Conquerors 36 5 Points

Earn the rank of General

Space Conquerors 37 5 Points

Earn the rank of General-Colonel

Space Conquerors 38 5 Points

Earn the rank of Admiral

Space Conquerors 39 5 Points

Earn the rank of Generalissimo

Space Conquerors 40 5 Points

Earn the rank of Privy Councillor

Space Conquerors 41 5 Points

To destroy 10 asteroids in flight

Space Conquerors 42 5 Points

To destroy 100 asteroids in flight

Space Conquerors 43 5 Points

To destroy 500 asteroids in flight

Space Conquerors 44 5 Points

To destroy 1000 asteroids in flight

Space Conquerors 45 5 Points

To destroy 3000 asteroids in flight

Space Conquerors 46 5 Points

Destroy 10 comets in flight

Space Conquerors 47 5 Points

Destroy 50 comets in flight

Space Conquerors 48 5 Points

Destroy 100 comets in flight

Space Conquerors 49 5 Points

Destroy 500 comets in flight

Space Conquerors 50 5 Points

Destroy 2000 comets in flight

Space Conquerors 51 5 Points

Destroy 10 enemy spacecrafts

Space Conquerors 52 5 Points

Destroy 50 enemy spacecrafts

Space Conquerors 53 5 Points

Destroy 200 enemy spacecrafts

Space Conquerors 54 5 Points

Destroy 1000 enemy spacecrafts

Space Conquerors 55 5 Points

Destroy 3000 enemy spacecrafts

Space Conquerors 56 5 Points

Destroy 2 enemy defensive cruisers

Space Conquerors 60 5 Points

Explore 5 sectors of the universe

Space Conquerors 61 5 Points

Explore 25 sectors of the universe

Space Conquerors 62 5 Points

Explore 100 sectors of the universe

Space Conquerors 63 5 Points

Explore 500 sectors of the universe

Space Conquerors 64 5 Points

Explore 1000 sectors of the universe

Space Conquerors 65 5 Points

Explore 2000 sectors of the universe

Space Conquerors 66 5 Points

To collect 1,000 units of resources

Space Conquerors 67 5 Points

To collect 10,000 units of resources

Space Conquerors 68 5 Points

To collect 100,000 units of resources

Space Conquerors 69 5 Points

To collect 500,000 units of resources

Space Conquerors 70 5 Points

To collect 1 million units of resources

Space Conquerors 71 5 Points

To spend 10 hours in flight

Space Conquerors 72 5 Points

To spend 50 hours in flight

Space Conquerors 73 5 Points

To spend 100 hours in flight

Space Conquerors 74 5 Points

To spend 500 hours in flight

Space Conquerors 75 0 Points

To spend 2000 hours in flight

Space Conquerors 76 5 Points

Successfully complete the combat flight 10 times

Space Conquerors 77 5 Points

Successfully complete the combat flight 100 times

Space Conquerors 78 5 Points

Successfully complete the combat flight 1000 times

Space Conquerors 79 0 Points

Successfully complete the combat flight 3000 times

Space Conquerors 80 5 Points

To activate an escape pod

Space Conquerors 81 5 Points

Activate the escape pod 10 times

Space Conquerors 82 5 Points

Activate the escape pod 100 times

Space Conquerors 83 0 Points

Activate the escape pod 1000 times

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Space tycoon

Medals Earned: 62/86 (310/430 points)

Planet01 5 Points

Aquatic planet purchased

Planet03 5 Points

Giant planet purchased

Planet05 5 Points

Rocky planet purchased

Planet07 5 Points

Marine planet purchased

Planet09 5 Points

Little planet purchased

Planet11 5 Points

Callisto planet purchased

Planet13 5 Points

Loamy planet purchased

Planet15 5 Points

Lunar planet purchased

Planet17 5 Points

Phobos planet purchased

Planet19 5 Points

Uranian planet purchased

Planet21 5 Points

White planet purchased

Planet23 5 Points

Mountainous planet purchased

Space tycoon 5 Points

Early career Space tycoon

Space tycoon G001 5 Points

Set a record in the 10^9 Quids!

Space tycoon G002 5 Points

Set a record in the 2*10^9 Quids!

Space tycoon G005 5 Points

Set a record in the 5*10^9 Quids!

Space tycoon G010 5 Points

Set a record in the 10*10^9 Quids!

Space tycoon G025 5 Points

Set a record in the 25*10^9 Quids!

Space tycoon G050 5 Points

Set a record in the 50*10^9 Quids!

Space tycoon G075 5 Points

Set a record in the 75*10^9 Quids!

Space tycoon G100 5 Points

Set a record in the 100*10^9 Quids!

Space tycoon G250 5 Points

Set a record in the 250*10^9 Quids!

Space tycoon G500 5 Points

Set a record in the 500*10^9 Quids!

Space tycoon k001 5 Points

Set a record in the 1,000 Quids!

Space tycoon k002 5 Points

Set a record in the 2,000 Quids!

Space tycoon k005 5 Points

Set a record in the 5,000 Quids!

Space tycoon k010 5 Points

Set a record in the 10,000 Quids!

Space tycoon k025 5 Points

Set a record in the 25,000 Quids!

Space tycoon k050 5 Points

Set a record in the 50,000 Quids!

Space tycoon k075 5 Points

Set a record in the 75,000 Quids!

Space tycoon k100 5 Points

Set a record in the 100,000 Quids!

Space tycoon k250 5 Points

Set a record in the 250,000 Quids!

Space tycoon k500 5 Points

Set a record in the 500,000 Quids!

Space tycoon M001 5 Points

Set a record in the 1,000,000 Quids!

Space tycoon M002 5 Points

Set a record in the 2,000,000 Quids!

Space tycoon M005 5 Points

Set a record in the 5,000,000 Quids!

Space tycoon M010 5 Points

Set a record in the 10,000,000 Quids!

Space tycoon M025 5 Points

Set a record in the 25,000,000 Quids!

Space tycoon M050 5 Points

Set a record in the 50,000,000 Quids!

Space tycoon M075 5 Points

Set a record in the 75,000,000 Quids!

Space tycoon M100 5 Points

Set a record in the 100,000,000 Quids!

Space tycoon M250 5 Points

Set a record in the 250,000,000 Quids!

Space tycoon M500 5 Points

Set a record in the 500,000,000 Quids!

Space tycoon T001 5 Points

Set a record in the 10^12 Quids!

Space tycoon T002 5 Points

Set a record in the 2*10^12 Quids!

Space tycoon T005 5 Points

Set a record in the 5*10^12 Quids!

Space tycoon T010 5 Points

Set a record in the 10*10^12 Quids!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Planet25 5 Points

Marsian-like planet purchased

Planet27 5 Points

Red-sand planet purchased

Planet29 5 Points

Mechanical planet purchased

Space tycoon H001 5 Points

Set a record in the 10^15 Quids!

Space tycoon H002 5 Points

Set a record in the 2*10^15 Quids!

Space tycoon H005 5 Points

Set a record in the 5*10^15 Quids!

Space tycoon H010 5 Points

Set a record in the 10*10^15 Quids!

Space tycoon H025 5 Points

Set a record in the 25*10^15 Quids!

Space tycoon H050 5 Points

Set a record in the 50*10^15 Quids!

Space tycoon H075 5 Points

Set a record in the 75*10^15 Quids!

Space tycoon H100 5 Points

Set a record in the 100*10^15 Quids!

Space tycoon H250 5 Points

Set a record in the 250*10^15 Quids!

Space tycoon H500 5 Points

Set a record in the 500*10^15 Quids!

Space tycoon T025 5 Points

Set a record in the 25*10^12 Quids!

Space tycoon T050 5 Points

Set a record in the 50*10^12 Quids!

Space tycoon T075 5 Points

Set a record in the 75*10^12 Quids!

Space tycoon T100 5 Points

Set a record in the 100*10^12 Quids!

Space tycoon T250 5 Points

Set a record in the 250*10^12 Quids!

Space tycoon T500 5 Points

Set a record in the 500*10^12 Quids!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!